Philip Hilt



Philip Hilt leadership coach, author, speaker. Leadership training, development, growth
Gap Analysis

Are you on track to earning your next $25k+ promotion?

Start by completing this quick 15-question only takes 1 minute.  GO!

I have reassessed my core values within the last year.

I take calculated risks where success is not guaranteed.

I complete tasks, projects, and goals on time.

I have identified my career motivators within the last 6 months.

My personal growth takes priority in my life.

My intuition guides my decision-making.

I try new things and then get feedback from a peer, mentor, or my leader.

I create goals that stretch me in ways that cause uncomfortable growth.

I perform work in a flow state that allows deep thinking.

I make all decisions based on my long-term career and life goals.

My unique leadership abilities are used in all aspects of my work.

I give and receive performance feedback daily.

I work in an environment that allows me to lead authentically.

I spend my time on work that excites me.

I feel fulfilled in my career and experience joy as a leader.
